What can we do for you?

Would you like destkop application or do you prefer web application with rich user interface, or should it be mobile one? We speak all these patforms and technologies.

Business apps

Applications based on customer requirements, build on our reusable infrastructure for lowering costs. The goal is to optimize everyday processes.

Shipped on web, mobile or desktop platform for optimal use.

Web sites

Customers web presentations, using multi tenant CMS, PHP based for lowcost hosting and with access control, so each user can have access only to the part of the whole system he needs.

Mobile apps

We have experiences with building Android and Windows Mobile applications. We can use Xamarin for cross platform apps or develope native app for that platform.


Most prefered

Our most prefered language, running on Windows and thanks to the .NET Core also on Linux and MAC OSX.



Our CMS is build using PHP and thanks to low cost of PHP hostings, it is ideal for personal or company presentations and small business applications.

For hire

We are available for hire, to share our experiences, skills and knowledge.

We can offer C#, PHP, SQL or JavaScript skills and years of experiences.

Open-source projects

We have developed most of our infrastructure as open-source, hosted on Google Code and now on GitHub. These projects starts with simple extensions for system libraries and ends with complete CQRS infrastructure with EventSourcing and support for persistent command and event delivery.

As most of our implementations are based on Windows and .NET platform, these projects are delivered as NuGet packages, VisualStudio extensions or ClickOnce windows applications.

Latest web references

Here are some of the recent web sites we have made. In some cases we have outsourced graphics. Most of the sites are running our CMS.

Also we have created some sites (this one included) using pre-generated static sites, hosted on free hostings and periodically or manualy updated. These sites uses advanced WebApplication technologies, like ASP.NET, but only static HTML & assets are published on production server.

More on this topic can be found on our blog.